Answer Writing Skills Every examination has different expectations as they are designed to test you differently. Here I would like to concentrate on the school level examinations. Any school level examination is used to test the recollection, understanding and application of the knowledge that you have. Unlike the traditional approach to examinations as a scary event it should be an exciting event. For making this an exciting event we need to know how to present ourselves so that we are able to show what we know. You would have heard the dialogues “In class he/she is very good but I don’t know why he/she does not write proper answers” “I can explain you orally but I can not write” “I was expecting at least 90 marks but got only 75.” These result from not having proper answer writing skills. Whatever may be the level of knowledge the answer writing skills can be developed. Some of the non-academic areas to master while preparing to write good answers are Language skills : Wh...